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May 2024

REDCA Bi Annual Meeting, Dublin, Ireland

14th to 17th May 2024

The REDCA meeting was attended by 80 members and observers in Dublin plus an additional 149 over Teams, including members from outside of Europe such as: USA, Japan, China, Korea, etc.

We also welcomed officials from the EU Commission, ETSI, ECO and NIST/USA all of whom provided valuable information to the meeting.
The meeting approved and welcomed the new members to the Association since the meeting of November 2023.

Topics for the main meeting included:

- Updates from the EU Commission including cyber security.
- Updates from ADCO RED on market surveillance
- ECO updates provided by Robin Donoghue
- ETSI updates from Michael Sharpe in person and Junqin Lin on line
- CISPR updates from Steve Hayes
- TCB Council / ISED updates from Michael Derby and more!



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