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1. REDCA Administrative Material


How to Apply for REDCA Membership

252 KB
A guide on How to Apply for REDCA Membership

Application Form

84 KB

Application form for membership of the RED Compliance Association

Association Rules

191 KB
Approved Rules for the Radio Equipment Directive Compliance Association - June 1 2015, Updated February 2024

REDCA (22)03 Email Reflector Guide v1.0

203 KB
Information added 25 March 2022

REDCA Detailed Membership List

604 KB
1st January 2024

GDPR Consent Document

84 KB

If one of your three members of the REDCA in your company changes, please let the Technical Secretariat know, and ask the new member to complete the REDCA GDPR form so we can progress access to our data systems

May 2021


REDCA Statement on the payment of VAT (TVA)

84 KB
January 2019

RED NB checklist guide

359 KB
RED NB checklist guide

(Version 1.0C December 2014)

Accessible to RED NBs. Copies can be sent to the EU Commission, Member State Notifying Authorities, MRA Notifying Authorities and Accreditation Bodies who assess RED NBs on request to the secretariat (See the contacts page for details)

RED NB Cyber checklist guide

Technical Competency Requirements Assessment Guide
Art 3(3)d-e-f Draft Ver 2

62 KB
NB competence checklist for notifying authorities to consider in their accreditation assessment

(Version 1 - July 2022)

See also the documents below:

Technical Competency Requirements Art3(3)d-e-f Ver 1

58 KB

Note on recital 18

13 KB

Cybersecurity -TABLE guide

416 KB

Accessible to RED NBs. Copies can be sent to the EU Commission, Member State Notifying Authorities, MRA Notifying Authorities and Accreditation Bodies who assess RED NBs on request to the secretariat (See the contacts page for details)
Application for access rights for the NB Refused Certificate Database

49 KB

Form for RED NBs to acquire access rights to REDCA NB Refused Certificate Database

Accessible to RED NB only.




2. Directives


Radio Equipment Directive

649 KB

Radio Equipment Directive 2014 53 EU

For the Radio Equipment Directive and more related documents see here.


The Blue Guide

The 'Blue Guide' on the implementation of EU product rules 2022-06-29

The RED Guide

RED Guide Version 19 December 2018

Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/1354

321 KB
Version 20 July 2017

Updated list of RED National Language requirements

National language requirements of the national implementation of the Radio Equipment Directive (RED; 2014/53/EU)

New document on obligations associated with the placing of radio equipment on the market

360 KB
Information sheet on obligations associated with the placing of radio equipment on the market (Directive 2014/53/EU)



3. Harmonised Standards


The latest Commission Decision on HS in support of the RED

The latest Commission Decision on HS in support of the RED has been published in the OJEU 8th November 2022.

For the sake of clarity, all previous Decisions have been repealed and all the standards have been merged into this one.

EU summary of OJEU listed standards

This list includes the OJEU references for the standards



4.  Technical Guidance Notes

The REDCA publishes Technical Guidance Notes (TGNs) which are related to activities carried out by RED Notified Bodies, listed on NANDO.

REDCA TGNs must be understood as giving general guidance to facilitate comprehension and practical implementation of the conformity assessment procedures of the Radio Equipment Directive 2014/53/EU. They have no legal force but are often considered to be State of the Art.

REDCA TGNs related to the RED only, will appear in this section 4.


No responsibility or liability can be accepted by the European Commission or the REDCA or any of its officers or members for the contents, specifications and/or advice referred to or contained in REDCA Technical Guidance Notes and/or any action taken as a result of information contained in REDCA Technical Guidance Notes.

Technical Guidance Note 01

381 KB

For Radio Equipment often referred to as Modules, noting the term "Modules" is not defined in the RED.

(V1.2a - March 2020)

Technical Guidance Note 34

352 KB

Active Antennas V1.2

(Version 1.2 October 2020)

Technical Guidance Note 33


RED as applied to vehicles:

Please see Reference Document 01 January 2022 in the Reference Documents Section below.

This is still a work in progress.

Technical Guidance Note 31

405 KB

Multiple Transmitters and Receivers

(V1.1a March 2020)

Technical Guidance Note 30

548 KB

RED NB Risk assessment guide

(V3.1 May 2022)

Technical Guidance Note 29

358 KB

Guidance related to NB EU-TEC updates

(V2.0a March 2020)

Technical Guidance Note 28

215 KB

On NB assessments for Article 3.1, 3.2 etc,

(V2.0a March 2020)

Technical Guidance Note 26

358 KB

On Radio Determination Equipment operating in ISM frequency bands.

(V4.0 March 2020)

Technical Guidance Note 25

286 KB

On RED Article 10.2 and radio equipment operating below 9 kHz

(V1.1a March 2020)

Technical Guidance Note 21

305 KB

On Guidance for Report Checking

(V2.0a March 2020)

Technical Guidance Note 20

419 KB

SAR Guidance Document

(Version 6.5 October 2020)

Technical Guidance Note 19

223 KB

On SWR meters

(V1.1a March 2020)

Technical Guidance Note 18

263 KB

Guidance on real test results in test reports

(V2.0a March 2020)

Technical Guidance Note 15

325 KB

Guidance on Technical Documentation

(V1.1a March 2020)

Technical Guidance Note 14

266 KB

Guidance on Acoustical Safety

(V1.1a March 2020)

Technical Guidance Note 13

245 KB

On conformity assessment of Amplifiers, Repeaters and Signal Boosters

(Version 1.2a March 2020)



5. Reference Documents


Informative Document based on the REDCA understanding of the current requirements.

Reference Documents do not replace the text of the RED – 2014/53/EU – and are for reference only. In legal disputes the text of the RED, other EU Legislation, or their implementation in National Legislation, takes precedence.

Reference Document 01

1098 KB

Reference Document for Radio Equipment installed into Vehicles.

This Reference Document provides additional guidance to clarify what constitutes a ‘vehicle’ and further clarifies this section of the EU RED guide based on currently published documents.

(V1 - January 2022)






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