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EUANB Technical Guidance Notes - TGN


European Union Association of Notified Bodies – EUANB - is the Notified Body Group for the EMC Directive and is composed of members who are a Notified Body in the EEA Countries or a Conformity Assessment Body in a country where the EU has a mutual recognition agreement in place, as well as some observers such as the EU Commission.

The EUANB publishes Technical Guidance Notes (TGNs) - that are publicly available after being approved by the EUANB and submitted for agreement by consensus to the EMC Working Party of the European Commission. These TGNs are related to activities carried out by EMC Notified Bodies but are also of interest to EMC and Radio Test Laboratories.

EUANB TGN’s must be understood as giving general guidance to facilitate comprehension and practical implementation of the conformity assessment procedures of the EMC Directive.

They have no legal force but often considered to be State of the Art.



No responsibility or liability can be accepted by the European Commission or the EUANB or any of its officers or members for the contents, specifications and/or advice referred to or contained in EUANB Technical Guidance Note and/or action taken as a result of information contained in EUANB Technical Guidance Notes.


Technical Guidance Note 26

48 KB
EUANB TGN 26 on Measurements of flicker

Technical Guidance Note 28

51 KB
EUANB TGN 28 on Products modified during test

Technical Guidance Note 29

24 KB
EUANB TGN 29 on EN 50121-4 2006 edition Railway applications

Technical Guidance Note 31

73 KB
EUANB TGN 31 on test methods for household appliances containing a lighting function Version 1.0

Technical Guidance Note 32

237 KB
EUANB TGN 32 on Requirements for detailed results in test reports

Technical Guidance Note 33

122 KB

402 KB
EUANB TGN 33 on EMC Requirements for small craft. (Issue 2)

ICOMIA EMC Guideline on Small Craft (Issue 2)

Technical Guidance Note 34

316 KB
EUANB TGN 34 on Modes of operation for EMC Testing

Technical Guidance Note 35

580 KB
EUANB TGN 35 Guidance on the benign character of filament lamps May 2017

Technical Guidance Note 36

118 KB
EUANB TGN 36 Guidance on assessment of products with touch screen November 2019

Technical Guidance Note 37

118 KB
EUANB TGN 37 Guidance for a Notified Body examination of a manufacturer’s risk assessment under Annex III of Directive 2014/30/EU



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